Saturday, July 24, 2010

Our Favorite Number, 13

For those of you that don't know, Saharh and I are particularly fans of the number 13. I was born on June 13th, 1979 and Saharh was born on July 13, 1985. This was part of the reason that we ended up getting married on January 13, 2006. My brother was even born on August 13th. This is relevant because we're entering Saharh's 13th week of pregnancy.

It hasn't been quite as smooth during weeks 11-12 as it was in the first ten. The discomfort is increasing and there have been a few scares when it comes to pain. For the most part, it appears to be just the hyper-awareness of two very eager first-time parents. All reports, however indicate that the baby is very healthy and growing pretty rapidly. The baby is now three inches in length with a heart rate in the 160s. We've watched it roll over in the ultrasound and sometimes I believe I can hear it. Saharh has felt some movement but not any blatant kicking yet. The first time she felt the baby move though she had tears in her eyes and was very happy.

The naming process is still underway. I think we've settled on a couple hundred names, so I think we're making progress. I'm mostly kidding here of course...mostly. For those who have asked, we do plan to find out he or she. It reminds me of a movie quote where a stranger asked a couple if their baby was a boy or girl; to which the father replied,"Gee, I hope so."

We're reorganizing the house. Those of you who've been here will find it quite different when you visit again. We're also trying to unpack everything and dispose of what we really don't need anymore. I have no idea why I've kept a Wheaties box from 1993 for this long.

The preparation for being parents is intimidating. I am learning in an experiential way what my parents and other parents have told me about being parents. Of course, what we've learned in the past couple of weeks is like a couple drops of water compared to the typhoon that's coming. That's ok to us though. Others have gone before us and God saw them through as well. Until the next's an ultrasound to keep you occupied:

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've created this blog - I feel like we've slipped away a bit as couple-friends and miss you both terribly!!! So glad to see and read that you are both doing well and that Baby Burke is growing so wonderfully :) Love you both - keep in touch!
