Saharh and I waited until June 24th to see Dr. Duke for the first time. The way it felt to come home was so different during this time and has been even more ever since. Not to mention, Saharh's beauty seemed to grow in my eyes more and more each day. The last few months it seemed as though the Lord has been bolstering our love for one another, despite the typical intense fellowships that can arise over all aspects of life.
Also, during this time Saharh had definitely already begun to show. Again, if you know her, she's fairly petite so it wasn't too much of a shock. However, the reality of what was happening continued to come with every sign.
Despite all of the evidence, it was still hard for me to believe what was happening. That all changed on June 24th when we watched the ultrasound technician reveal the baby to us. There was a heart, beating 168 beats per minute, right there in front of us. I couldn't even speak and Saharh thought it was just awesome. Her whole face lit up even more as the technician showed us the formation of the arms, legs and head. At that time, the baby was only a couple of centimeters long. The technician then told us that Saharh was already 9 weeks along! This was big news in more than one way, but we'll get to that later.

Expected delivery date, January 28th 2011!
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